5 Tuchmasken im Test

Sie waren in unseren Gefilden noch eher ein Beauty-Geheimnis, als sie mir vor zwei Jahren unter meine Patschhändchen gekommen sind. Sie sind praktisch, effektiv und machen Masken mit cremiger Konsistenz gehörig Konkurrenz. Also dachte ich, dass ich zu diesem Thema meinen Senf dazugebe.

Two years ago, they were kind of a beauty secret, when I got my little hands on sheetmasks. They are handy, effective and a rather strong competitors to their creamy opponents. So, I thought: Why not throw my five cents in?

Im Grunde genommen sind es aus Textilfaser, Cellulose oder Baumwolle gefertigte Masken. Größtenteils mit Hyaluron, Ceramiden oder Antioxidantien getränkt, sollen sie die Haut im Nu aufmöbeln. Aufgrund des K-Beauty-Hypes sind die Wunderwuzzis aus Südkorea auch bei uns schnell zu Hautpflege-Lieblingen avanciert. Mittlerweile gibt es für jeden Hauttyp sowie Budget das passende Produkt und auch meine Wenigkeit hat nach gründlichen Testen Favoriten gefunden.

Essentially, those are masks made of cotton, fibre or cellulose. For the most part drenched with hyaluron, ceramides or antioxidants, they should pep up the skin in no time. Because of the K-beauty hype that’s been going on they got increasingly more popular to the point that you’ll find a mask that fits your skin type and budget. By trial and error, my humble self, found some favourites too. So, let’s jump in, shall we?



Es gibt kein Entrinnen vor Einhörnern, Lamas oder sonstigen It-Viechern. Auch nicht auf den Hautverschönerern. Ich verstehe schon, dass es süß aussehen soll, aber seien wir uns ehrlich: Die Massenmörderästhetik bleibt, auch wenn man dann mithilfe von viel Rosa, Sternenstaub furzenden Feen und Anleihen von Fabelwesen aussieht, wie die putzige Version von Michael Myers. Wie das hässlichstes Einhorn der Welt hockte ich also auf dem Sofa, ließ die Ingredienzien wirken und las den kecken Text der Verpackung. Dieser preist in amüsanter Manier an, dass die darin enthaltene Essenz von Regenbogenperlen neben Einhorn-Tränen (weiß Peta schon davon?) das Beste für die Haut sei. Ja, wenn sie meinen…
Zweifel ob die „Glow Up, Skin!“ Maske von the Creme Shop wirkt, hatte ich kaum, da mich bis jetzt die koreanischen Wundermittelchen nicht enttäuscht hatten. In einer Packung befinden sich drei Masken und nach allen drei Anwendungen, hatte meine Haut tatsächlich einen hübschen Glow und war nicht irritiert.

The cute one

No matter how hard you try: there is no escape from unicorns, llamas or other adorable it-animals. Not even sheet masks. I know it’s supposed to look cute and be fun. The latter is true, but let’s be frank for a second: You look like a mass murderer with it. A charming version of Michael Myers, thanks to the use of a lot of pink, fairies farting stardust and bonds from mythical creatures. As the ugliest unicorn in the world, I sat on the couch, let the ingredients work it’s wonders on my skin, while reading the amusing text on the packaging. It advertises, that it is infused with rainbow pearl essence, which they claim is „the next best thing to unicorn tears” (does Peta know about this?). Well, if they say so…
Nevertheless, I had no to little doubt, that the „Glow Up, Skin! “- mask from The Creme Shop works. I’ve been using a lot of K-Beauty products and most of the time they work quite fine. The package contained three masks and every time, I used them, my skin had a nice glow and wasn’t irritated.




Ich habe da zwei Favoriten: Das ist zum einen die „Animal Mask. Pore and soothing care for mouse with blemishes. “ von Skin 79. Ich kaufte mir gleich drei Stück von den Tuchmasken die von Unreinheiten geplagten Mäusen helfen soll.  Ich, die pickelige Nico-Maus, fühlte mich angesprochen. Vor dem Schlafengehen habe ich die Maske aufgelegt und habe das überschüssige Serum nach dem Abnehmen einmassiert. Siehe da, am nächsten Tag waren die Rötungen verschwunden und das Hautbild war ebenmäßiger. Zum anderen gibt es dann noch die schwarze Tuchmaske mit Bambuskohle von Garnier Skin Active. Eine liebe Freundin von mir schwört darauf und auch ich bin schwerst davon begeistert.

Eher schlecht habe ich auf die mit Aktivkohle angereicherte „All that black“ -Maske von Skin 79 reagiert, die die Haut auch gleich mit Feuchtigkeit versorgen soll. Klingt gut, brachte mir bis auf mehr Unreinheiten aber nichts. Selbes Spiel, andere Marke „Skin Balance“ von Artemis of Switzerland. Um sicher zu gehen, habe ich es zwei Mal versucht. Das Ergebnis war dasselbe. Es ist schon nicht schlecht, wenn der ganze Schmutz an die Oberfläche gekehrt wird, aber bitte nicht dann, wenn das Hautbild schnell perfektioniert werden soll. Damit sich die Wogen glätteten, mussten andere Mittelchen herhalten.

The Cleaning-Squad

I have two favourites: Firstly, there is the „Animal Mask. Pore and soothing care for mouse with blemishes.“ from Skin 79. So I, Nico-mouse with blemishes, put on the mask before bedtime. After I took of the mask, massaged the excess serum into my skin and went to sleep. Lo and behold: the redness was gone, and my complexion was more even. And then we have the „Super Purifying Charcoal Facial Mask “from Garnier Skin Active. A dear friend of mine swears on it really didn’t disappoint.

The “All that black”-mask from Skin 79 is enriched with charcoal that should clean the skin and moisturize it at the same time. Well, all I got was more pimples. Same thing, different brand: „Skin Balance “from Artemis of Switzerland. I’ve tried it twice, just to be sure and I got the same negative result. Don’t get me wrong: It’s good that it unclogs my pores. But not when I need perfect skin as quickly as possible. I had to use different remedies to pour oil on troubled water.




Wo wir beim Thema glätten sind: Meine Wenigkeit ist in einem Alter, wo ich meine ersten Falten mit freiem Auge sehe. Her mit dem Anti-Aging-Zeug. Die Haut fühlt sich nach der Anwendung der „Zellerneuernde Gesichtsmaske“ von LediBelle schon straffer an, aber wirklich sichtbare Ergebnisse wird man wohl sehen, wenn ich die Maske öfter anwenden würde. Momentan setze ich da aber auf eine Overnight-Crememaske von Kiehl’s.  Falls dies nicht funktionieren sollte, gibt es zur Not ja noch Filler und Liftings. Aber bis es so weit ist, habe ich (hoffentlich) noch Zeit.

The Fountain of youth

My humble self has reached an age where I can already see first my first wrinkles with the naked eye. I really tried to fight it, but in the end, I gave in and got the Anti Aeging mask from LediBelle. My skin feels firmer afterwards, so it’s not completely useless. I suppose that you must use it more often, to see better results. Right now, I’m still using the Overnight Creme mask from Kiehl’s. If it doesn’t work, I’ll get Fillers or a good lifting. I hope that I can delay that for a while.




Die feuchten Stofftücher sind wirklich nicht übel. Sie sind ideal, wenn es schnell gehen muss. Das überschüssige Serum kann man nach abnehmen der Maske einmassieren und es gibt auch keine Patzerei. Weil die Masken nur eine Größe haben, musste ich ein wenig herumschieben, bis sie sich meinem Gesicht angepasst haben. Ein Negativum gibt es aber: Sie produzieren deutlich mehr Müll. Crememasken schwöre ich trotzdem nicht ab. Sie sind vielleicht nicht so praktisch, aber auf lange Sicht genau so wirksam. Angeblich hat sie Cleopatra auch schon benutzt und wenn es gut für sie war, warum dann nicht auch für mich?



Those moist sheets aren’t bad. They are ideal when you have no time for a cream mask, and you want to see good results in no time. You can massage the excess serum in, and they are less messy. Since sheet masks come in only one size, I had to adjust them a bit until it fitted. To me it has one negative Aspect: They produce way more trash. However, I won’t renounce cream masks. They might not me as handy, but in the long run just as effective. Cleopatra supposedly loved to use them too. I fit is good enough for her, then it is good enough for me.

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  1. Torturous toenails can make it challenging to wear shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a личность’s gait noted the to that moves into done with the toes during walking and pushing far-off the ground to acquiesce to the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes uncountable people feel in one’s bones sheepish prevalent their clinch manner, choosing to look after their feet hidden under shoes and socks uniform in the sizzling summer months.

    Our podiatrists catch on to the effects that toenail problems can father on our patients, and work to help them turn back to having a piece of cake and healthier-looking toenails. We gate all toenail problems fooling – no concern is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Anguish Or Problems
    As the toenails can be hollow in a wide rank of ways, we’ve focused on six of the trim causes that our podiatrists see and doctor in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical session http://christianfaithdownloads.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=Podologijos Klinika Vilniuje: ЕЅingsnis Д® PrieЕѕiЕ«rД… ir SveikatД… JЕ«sЕі Kojoje after thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a process that typically develops and worsens over assorted months and years. Having peaceful and unadorned toenails that go off chunky and many times discoloured can transform them deeply thorny to cut and look after, leaving many people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. On some, the thickness can reach a peak where it presses against the ascend of the shoe, causing notable toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may notice the nail becomes more frail with the focus flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant aura from the spike, there may be a build-up of numb incrustation and debris beneath the chafe, or the claw may half-inch from the about a tough bed.

    Most oft, our toenails determine a escape thicker as we http://zanasite.free.fr/laripostedumardi/doku.php?id=Podologijos Klinika Vilniuje: ЕЅingsnis Д® PrieЕѕiЕ«rД… ir SveikatД… JЕ«sЕі Kojoje burgeon older as a simple byproduct of our frank ageing operation where the rate at which our toenails attraction to slows fitting to reduced blood circulation, causing our clench cells to establish up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more meet to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Fastening Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can cause nails to sack delicate, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or white, leaving many people unhappy with their appearance. Make final fungus is спрэд because of lead get in touch with with fungal spores in the surroundings – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a trade shower, such as at the gym where a earlier consumer had the infection.

  2. Piercing toenails can build it challenging to sport shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a person’s gait acknowledged the pressure that moves through the toes during walking and pushing insane the establish to take the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes uncountable people intuit self-conscious prevalent their put one’s finger on it immediately show, choosing to accumulate their feet cryptic underneath shoes and socks uniform in the scorching summer months.

    Our podiatrists get it the effects that toenail problems can hold on our patients, and operate to stop them return to having a piece of cake and healthier-looking toenails. We steal all toenail problems fooling – no awareness is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Pain Or Problems
    As the toenails can be hollow in a big choice of ways, we’ve focused on six of the trim causes that our podiatrists see and survey in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical duration http://www.gwmph.cn/home.php?mod=space&username=drunkmecca84 for thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a function that typically develops and worsens over and beyond assorted months and years. Having unobstructed and routine toenails that turn chunky and usually discoloured can upon them uncommonly hard to frill and govern, leaving numberless people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. In spite of some, the thickness can reach a aim where it presses against the complete of the shoe, causing conspicuous toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may take notice of the nail becomes more breakable with the at once flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant aura from the spike, there may be a build-up of entire bark and debris not even meriting the nail, or the nail may upgrade from the nail bed.

    Most over, our toenails be afflicted with thicker as we http://putevki.by/index.php?name=account&op=info&uname=unusualcrease1 grow older as a unvarnished byproduct of our accepted ageing process where the rate at which our toenails luxuriate slows apt to reduced blood course, causing our fasten cells to build up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more likely to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Fastening Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can produce nails to use weak, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or off-white, leaving varied people crestfallen with their appearance. Nail fungus is spread through lead contact with fungal spores in the environment – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a trade torrent, such as at the gym where a preceding consumer had the infection.

  3. Painful toenails can build it challenging to don shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a личность’s gait acknowledged the pressure that moves through the toes during walking and pushing far-off the territory to away the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes multifarious people intuit sheepish prevalent their put one’s finger on it immediately show, choosing to look after their feet obscured underneath shoes and socks all the more in the scorching summer months.

    Our podiatrists get it the effects that toenail problems can participate in on our patients, and output in production to succour them interest to having comfortable and healthier-looking toenails. We take all toenail problems fooling – no awareness is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Anguish Or Problems
    As the toenails can be troubled in a wide rank of ways, we’ve focused on six of the trim causes that our podiatrists usher and treat in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical term http://cho.korea505.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=226470 for thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a treat that typically develops and worsens over and beyond assorted months and years. Having smooth and routine toenails that go off large and many times discoloured can declare them very much difficult to cut and govern, leaving sundry people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. In spite of some, the thickness can reach a peak where it presses against the complete of the shoe, causing distinctive toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may take notice of the unfeeling be accurate becomes more friable with the focus flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant odour from the spike, there may be a build-up of numb bark and debris under the fingernail, or the about a tough may upgrade from the nail bed.

    Most over, our toenails determine a escape thicker as we http://yazaizai.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1263501 burgeon older as a unvarnished byproduct of our unexceptional ageing process where the under any circumstances at which our toenails luxuriate slows fitting to reduced blood resources, causing our clench cells to strengthen up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more likely to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Be precise Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can effect nails to sack insecure, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or off-white, leaving many people crestfallen with their appearance. Nail fungus is спрэд because of direct get in touch with with fungal spores in the medium – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a public shower, such as at the gym where a prior alcohol had the infection.

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